
Main purpose

The main purpose of the conference is to discuss the results and ways to improve the development, implementation and utilization effectiveness of high-end technology life cycle management during the process of construction and operation of aviation products. 

Place and time

The conference will be held in Ulyanovsk at the CJSC Aviastar-SP and Ulyanovsk State University. The conference will take place in mid-October, 2014. The exact date will be reported in the second informational letter.
The place, information about participants’ accommodation and exact dates will be provided in the second informational letter.

The working language of the conference

The working languages of the conference are Russian and English.

Conference topics

Automated manufacturing resources and processes control systems:

  • models and systems to ensure targetsjust in time andunder a predetermined value with a view to minimize the consequences of the risks and their implementation
  • operational management system for a shop floor;
  • supply chain management in wider cooperation;
  • simulation of process and production of aircraft manufacturing production.

The use of modern composite materials in aircraft products:

  • design and manufacture of composite materials and aircraft structures;
  • modeling and research of composite materials machining processes.

Advanced training and retraining for business and organizations of the aviation industry:

  • modern technology training in accordance with the requirements of the development of digital production (modern teaching and laboratory buildings, academic mobility programs, interdisciplinary training, etc.);
  • interaction of educational institutions and professional community (basic departments, joint competence centers , etc.);
  • advanced training in the promising areas of the aviation industry.

ульяновск авиа

IV международная научно-практическая конференция:
Увлажняющий азуленовый крем с коллагеном и эластином для нормальной кожи.